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LASIK in Altoona

LASIK (Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is the most advanced laser vision correction procedure. LASIK’s combination of accuracy, comfort and rapid healing makes LASIK the clear choice. No wonder everyone is talking about LASIK eye surgery. LASIK is a procedure in which over one million nearsighted people have reduced or ended their dependence on eyeglasses and contact lenses.

LASIK eye surgery is a refractive surgical procedure for the treatment of myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and/or astigmatism. LASIK is technology’s most advanced laser procedure. To date, LASIK is the most accurate, rapid, and painless vision correction method we have ever been able to offer our patients.

What is the LASIK Procedure Like?

The procedure involves the use of a femtosecond laser which is used to create a thin protective corneal flap. This enables reshaping of the front surface of the cornea so that the eye can focus properly. The reshaping is performed using the Excimer laser, which gives the surgeon precise control. The laser is applied to the corneal tissue under the raised flap. The flap is then placed back in position and allowed to heal. This procedure allows for minimal discomfort and rapid visual recovery. Following a LASIK procedure most patients are able to resume their normal activities the following day.

Am I a Candidate for LASIK?

You may be a candidate for LASIK if the following apply to you:

Find Out If LASIK Is Right For You

Call and ask for our Vision Correction Coordinator at 800-494-2020 to schedule a free one-on-one LASIK consult to determine if you may be a candidate.

After you have a one-on-one consult, a comprehensive eye exam must be scheduled. At our pre-procedure eye exam, you will be carefully tested and screened to determine if you are a candidate for this procedure. Appropriateness for the procedure is based upon your general health, your eye health, your visual correction and your post-procedure expectations.

Once this information is obtained and the decision is made to proceed, a consultation is scheduled with one of our LASIK surgeons who will perform your LASIK procedure. Your LASIK procedure will be performed at the Laurel Laser & Surgery Center in Brookville, PA or at the Laurel Eye Clinic in Altoona, Pennsylvania.

If you do not live in the Brookville or Altoona areas, you may return to your primary eye doctor for post-procedure care or to the Laurel Eye Clinic nearest you, where one of our optometrists will care for you. Required care following the LASIK eye surgery procedure is minimal. Generally, patients are checked one day post-operatively, at one week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and one year.

The Laurel Eye Clinic has offices in Altoona, Bedford, Brookville, Clearfield, DuBois, Grove City, Johnstown, Mercer, New Bethlehem, Seneca and St. Marys. Free consultations are avaliable to any patient seeking freedom from glasses and contacts through refractive surgery. Call 1-800-494-2020 for more information.


Our cost is $2,100 per eye for Bladeless LASIK and PRK which includes both Custom LASIK/PRK or Contoura Vision. Also our cost is $2,100 per eye for Bladeless LASIK and PRK which includes Contoura Vision. Also included in this price is the pre-operative evaluation, the follow-up appointments for a year as well as an enhancement during that time. 

The Laurel Eye Clinic has been extremely successful in reducing myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism with LASIK. Just as each patient is different, so are the results that are achieved. Virtually all patients are 20/40 or better right after LASIK. Often, correction to 20/20 is achieved. However, some will still require glasses for reading or night driving. The legal requirement for driving is 20/40. Often 20/40 correction is acceptable for employment with police and fire departments.

LASIK eye surgery is an invasive procedure and as such there are risks. These risks include infection, irregular astigmatism, and weakening of the eye. The risk of a vision threatening complication is less than 1 %. Worldwide, over one million people have had vision correction performed with the Excimer laser and no cases of blindness have ever been reported from LASIK.

LASIK surgery is performed with a cool laser beam that is NOT painful. You will feel some irritation, sensitivity to light and watering of your eyes for a few hours or possibly for a few days after the procedure.

Nine out of ten people have LASIK surgery performed on both eyes at the same time.

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